1984 Toyota Landcruiser BJ45 World Rig
So it started with this:Completely revising the front axle. It's not my daily job, but luckily all the necessary tools and expertise are just a shout away.All parts for this job are available in the surrounding shops. Some parts…

1997 Toyota Land Cruiser UTE Build
Howdy all, I'm coming to you from Western AustrailiaI have a 75 that I'm buildingThe usual SOA, dual lockers, new 1HZ to be fitted with custom turbo inter cooler setup @ 14psi, custom parabolic springs, custom everything else lol.How…

74 Ford Bronco Build
Well, I started this build a while ago, but decided to post the build on this site. Here are the basic specs:Here's what I plan on doing, quite a bit is already done:104" Wheelbase
3 link rear - upper wishbone, 2 lower links